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Here's how: Shore up your database primary keys. CREATE TABLE table2 LIKE table1; //create a new table, copying structure from previous INSERT INTO table2 SELECT * FROM table1 ORDER BY name; //Copy the data - the Primary key handles the autoincrements RENAME TABLE table1 TO table1_Backup; //Copy the Old data to a new name as your backup RENAME TABLE table2 TO table1; //Put the new data in place ...

Previously Published Tips

Protecting your Gear - Power Strips vs. Surge Protectors

By Neil Patterson in Miscellaneous

If you live in an area that has power problems, (i.e. - brownouts, spikes, outages, or lightning) then you may have already experienced what these conditions can do ...

Leave it on or Turn it off?

By Neil Patterson in Hardware

We get a lot of questions about PCs and whether to turn them off or leave them on, regarding power usage and the wear and tear related to ...


By Neil Patterson in Miscellaneous

When your PC starts to act irrationally, there are several things you can do. Reboot. Does the problem persist? Ask yourself, "What changed Last?", then back out ...

How to handle Malware

By Neil Patterson in MALWARE

There are 2 Main Methods of attacking the attackers: The first and obvious choice will be discussed at length, Cleaning the system of its infected programs and related files,preserving ...

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