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Here's how: Shore up your database primary keys. CREATE TABLE table2 LIKE table1; //create a new table, copying structure from previous INSERT INTO table2 SELECT * FROM table1 ORDER BY name; //Copy the data - the Primary key handles the autoincrements RENAME TABLE table1 TO table1_Backup; //Copy the Old data to a new name as your backup RENAME TABLE table2 TO table1; //Put the new data in place ...

Previously Published Tips

MYSQL - Backup and re-index a table in your database

By Neil Patterson in Internet

Here's how: Shore up your database primary keys. CREATE TABLE table2 LIKE table1; //create a new table, copying structure from previous INSERT INTO table2 SELECT * FROM table1 ORDER BY ...

Create a System Recovery Disc

By Melanie Welch in Windows

This tech tip shows how to create a system recovery disc from your computer. This works with Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1, and 10. Follow these ...

Change the way windows lets you logon (ctrl-alt-del).

By Neil Patterson in Windows

Tired of the same old logon, click your icon and type a password? Would you like to make windows a little more secure and 'corporate-like'? For Windows XP, ...


By Neil Patterson in Internet

When cruising the web, you are frequently requested to type in some personal information, like login info, your mailing address, or even your credit card data. If you've ...

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